Monday, May 24, 2010

The 30 Best Unintentionally Gay Record Covers: Pics, Videos, Links, News

All kidding and stereotypes aside, this is one must re-post post. There is so much hysterically amusing about the post itself and even more extraordinarily laugh out loud inviting are the links associated. I couldn't help myself but making a note of the site and bookmarking it for later review.

I've heard it said that laughter is not only healthy for the soul but the mind and body as well. In this instance it is on oh so many levels. From the fact that these gents used the term "gay" during a time when it was specifically meant to describe an emotion (or did they!?!) to the whole inspired questions based on the 10% logic around how many of these Fellow's really were gay then as we deem the term today.

Although the term "gay" as used most often today is not necessarily used as a negative itself like such as "fag" or other words that folks have taken back to reclaim power...I can't help but recognizes the power that sort of masquerades behind the curtain.

So, go ahead...let it out and laugh in an uninhibited way! Surely the unintentional ramifications in this day and age associated with the poses and titles makes it perfectly acceptable. Much like your Mother explaining why you won't want a tattoo because of what others will think when you are old and in a nursing home. Enjoy!

The 30 Best Unintentionally Gay Album Covers

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