Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why This Scandal Should Matter To Everyone!!!

As Monica Goodling, a key player in the United States attorney scandal, prepares to testify before Congress on Wednesday, the administration’s strategy is clear. It has offered up implausible excuses, hidden the most damaging evidence and feigned memory lapses, while hoping that the publics attention moves on. But this scandal is too important for the public or Congress to move on. This story should not end until Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is gone, and the serious damage that has been done to the Justice Department is repaired.

Read The Whole Article From The NY Times

I don't watch much television these days and I more rarely listen to or watch network news anymore because of it's insidious insistence to serve more entertainment than actual news and to do so in a format that overtly refers to it's programming as news. Personally I believe the Networks should call it what it is...News 4 those in Denial. Most of the time the real news stories end up with a mere one or two lines if...they even get presented. This story is one of those. I happen to catch it's coverage in the background on NBC this eve. Just so happens I'd read this article as it came across my ticker as one of the most emailed stories today.

After the joke of elections that permitted us to endure four more years of horror and embarrassment from Bush I do not understand how such a situation as this in the justice department is regarded as a surprise to anyone, and especially to the media. Anyone who believes that Bush's slimy wet finger hasn't reached out and tickled the fancy of all the other good ol' boys is in some serious denial.

Visit Goodzy's

In my opinion, it should be obvious to everyone why this scandal should matter to everyone. We are talking about the Frigging United States Justice Department here!!! Their personal political affiliations should not EVER for any reason come in to play with regards to whom they are hiring. This country and our many systems in place has been established with very specific checks and balances to prevent such dictatorships. George Bush it seems has spent just as much time erasing these balances in his favor as he has embarrassing the majority of our country.

I am absolutely appalled at the fact that folks are not up in arms, protesting everywhere and at the White House. That the network media is barely reporting about this Story and they certainly are not doing so with the zest, eagerness and full story coverage as they gave the Paris Hilton gets jail time story. But then again, I believe Bush needs to be impeached for the lies he fed the American people regarding Iraq and Quite frankly I believe he should be tried for war crimes based on the gut wrenching numbers of killed specifically because of this stupid war.

Make no mistake people, George Bush has been way more of a Dictator than he has been a President on behalf of the United States.

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