Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Illusion of Gender, Part One

Young Tre' is quite brilliant in an emotionally intelligent, socially analytical & over all Tre' has certainly demonstrated a level of psychological competence of which I have never even heard of occurring in such in such youth. It is Tre's sparkling charisma however, that aligns Tre' with the likes of MacGyver, Oprah, Bill the Cat and....dare I say Jean Luc Picard.. Yet Tre' really, is unlike any other human, and most certainly any human child than anyone has...ever, ever met b4...And quite likely more unlike any other human we will ever meet again. Tre' is uncommonly shy, usually to a fault as Trey is yet to understand much of what has been happening. This will change as Tre' becomes more & more aware of the astute prowess with regards to Tre's incredible observational and intuitive capabilities. Maybe it has something to do with Tre's penchant for old Doyle mystery's...but whatever it is, I hope Tre is prepared for the journey that weighs heavy on Tre's 17 year old mind. Soon, Tre' will travel beyond the men from Mars....and Tre' will travel over the women on Venus and as Tre's journey's take Tre' through the land of the politically and sexually divided inhabitants that live amongst Tre' and the rest of us....Tre' will hopefully rise up and through the mountains of self actualization...It is our dream for Tre' that Tre will not only come to discover that Tre' is beyond naturally gifted when it comes to just about anything having to do with other humans from conflict resolution, to breast feeding, to having the right touch when it comes to fixing a Teacher or neighbor's car...But Tre' in a moment of pure unadulterated Sybil Dom, will realize that Tre' is in fact a breed of a new species...a breed capable of stepping outside of the gender-box...a breed whose abilities and insights flourish well beyond even that of animal magnetism or such as that of the hormone driven gender conflicts facing humans today. Tre' will more than likely spend some time thinking & believing...that Trey's life is merely a matter of sacrifice....a mission of mercy, at the very most. I worry for Trey but there is still so much yet unknown about Tre's needs, abilities and not to mention overall understanding and of course the exact nature of...well, as Dan Millman or Gary Zukov would put it, we nor Tre' do not yet know what Tre's actual life purpose really is. I think we'd be naive to assume it would be anything less than extraordinary. Perhaps even more than we in our lifetime will ever comprehend. Our role I believe is to offer Tre' any support needed...without getting too involved and to do everything that we can to prevent anyone else from getting in Tre's way so that Tre' may easily master the 3 E's (exploration, experience, and evolution). This way Tre' can do what ever it is that Tre' was meant to do and do so with grace, the confidence to perceive challenges as learning opportunities, and the courage to just be the Tre' that Tre was meant to be. Tre' will undoubtedly face significant challenges and confusion while traveling through experiences that many of us could not even understand let a lone contemplate. Ultimately, what Tre' misses out on due to shyness, Tre will more than make up for in adventure and self discovery. But, do not underestimate the inherent intuitive nature of one like Tre'...not to mention that we are not even sure just what all Tre' is capable of as of yet. The simple truth is that at this point we nor Tre' know much of anything other than that Tre' came to us, announced a life meant to be lived as a tri-sexual and Tre' seems to have the unbelievable, unconscious ability to switch gender based on need much. Almost like that of a chameleon and it seems for Tre', choice or desire have nothing at all to do with it. What Tre' nor we were not however prepared for...was that Tre'....was about to stumble upon a world in which reality truly is not only subjective in the sense of our own perspective but in this particular situation, Tre' discovers what truly, as best as I can tell...appears to be nothing less than an alternative reality that my own disbelief is running completely parallel to our own! And, I do mean parallel...parallel in the sense of reaching out and touching someone. One might wonder if perhaps....we here in this reality have forgotten to take our medication, but I assure you...I not only double checked but Tre' offered me a glimpse knowing I could not possibly believe.....
Stay tuned for updates....

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